Cornmill Meadows Official Opening

On a beautiful sunny, autumn morning, a group of supporters and friends gathered at the entrance to Cornmill Meadows with Ian Jelley, a director of Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, to declare the official opening of the Meadows.

The Meadows were donated by a local family to the Town Council, for the enjoyment of Shipstonians and visitors.

The area has been declared a Local Wildlife Site, and, over time, we hope to develop a wildflower meadow, a community orchard, a bug hotel and a new area of woodland, amongst other activities which will increase the biodiversity of the area.

Afterwards, people gathered in New Clark House for refreshments and an opportunity to see a display of photographs showing some of the activities that have been taking place at Cornmill Meadows.

Many thanks to all our supporters who are helping care for the Meadows. In order to progress our plans, lots of help will be needed. If anyone is interested in getting involved, please contact John Dinnie or Hilary Kelly at Shipston Town Council.

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