‘Our Shining Light’ in tribute to the frontline

After hearing everyone ‘Clap for Carers’, the team at Clearsound Productions began to wonder if they could do something similar with light. Could they shine beacons over Shipston in a shimmering display, demonstrating their support for people working on the frontline? A test at their unit on Friday 27th March, with checks to ensure visibility from across the town, sparked a wave of support on social media, encouraging them to do a 40 minute light show that Sunday called ‘Our Shining Light’.

The following weekend, never keen to do the same show twice, the team positioned a couple of lights at five staff members’ houses, taking the time to programme the lights and set cues so that they would work in sequence. Again the show was well received and the town couldn’t wait to see what Clearsound Productions would do next weekend but unfortunately the moon conspired to make a show impractical, giving the team time to formulate their most ambitious plan yet.

It was now becoming apparent that this was likely to be the last show due to the spring nights getting lighter, so the team resolved to put on the biggest show they could. Clearsound Productions recruited fifty production companies up and down the UK to co-ordinate a light show synchronised with music from a live streamed guest DJ on Facebook. In Shipston they deployed moving head lights and extra flood lights to create a dazzling array of 85 lights to shine into the night sky, creating an illuminated extravaganza that could be seen for miles around and received rave reviews on social media.

Please be aware that social distancing was observed at all stages of the project

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