Thanks at the Riverside
The Riverside Project has turned a neglected area into an attractive, open and accessible space. Members of the Town Council’s Heritage, Amenities and Leisure Projects Committee, who planned the project, recently thanked the contractors who undertook the work.
Simon Healey (left, seated) was responsible for the groundwork, fencing, hedge planting and installation of the two new accessible picnic tables. Jacob Harvey of Ash Tree Care (next to Simon) carried out the crown lifting, thinning, coppicing and removal of about 20 dead trees, leaving the roots in place to help maintain stability of the bank.
The teams consulted with the Environment Agency to take flood risk into account throughout the planning and execution of the project, and had expert advice at all stages on creating a better environment for wildlife.
Simon and Jacob have made a welcoming and relaxing space with plenty of light, comfortable seating, and good views of the river and the bridge. Wildflower seeds and daffodil bulbs will be planted in the autumn, and the main hedge will be properly laid when it is big enough.
The scheme has attracted many favourable comments from residents and visitors. Simon says he had a vision of what they hoped to achieve from the start. ‘The final result will last a long time, so it had to be right for the town’s benefit. I’m very happy to have been involved in this project’.