Town Council Responsibilities

Town Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer

Helen Morgan
Shipston Town Council
New Clark House
West Street
Shipston on Stour
CV36 4HD

See New Clark House on a map

Telephone: 01608 662180

Admin Officer

Miss Emily Booth
Shipston Town Council
New Clark House
West Street
Shipston on Stour
CV36 4HD

Telephone: 01608 690776

Admin Officer

Mrs Debs Hardiman
Shipston Town Council
New Clark House
West Street
Shipston on Stour
CV36 4HD

Telephone: 01608 695393

Council Aims

The Council has agreed to the following aims to be taken into consideration in all policy matters:

  1. To improve the service it provides whilst ensuring best value.
  2. To work with others to improve safety, the environment and quality of life in the town, paying particular attention to the needs of vulnerable members of our community.
  3. To regularly and effectively consult the community.
  4. To promote the local economy.

Shipston Town Council Responsibilities

  • Seven play areas, recreation areas and other public open spaces
  • Street cleansing (contracted from SDC)
  • Provision of Grit, Litter and Dog Bins
  • Grounds maintenance (grass cutting)
  • Community Grants
  • New Clark House
  • Clark House
  • Cemetery & Closed Churchyard - as Burial Authority
  • Benches and street furniture
  • Keeping residents informed through Shipston Forum and as well as our Facebook page
  • Provision of Allotment Gardens (one site at New Street and one at Shoulderway Lane)
  • Planning Consultee on all planning applications within the Town. (Stratford District Council is the decision making authority)
  • Emergency Plan
  • SAFAG (Shipston Area Flood Action Group)

As well as its statutory responsibilities the Town Council also:

  • Contributes to initiatives that improve the quality of life for local people
  • Seeks to encourage partnerships which will lead to improvements for Shipston people e.g. working with local groups; SDC; WCC
  • Keeps in touch with local residents and is able to inform the relevant authorities of action that needs to be taken.
  • Welcomes support from non-council members of council Working Groups/committees.

Town Council meetings are held on 2nd Monday of every month, at 7.00 pm at Townsend Hall New Clark House.  Members of the public are encouraged to attend. There is a section during the meeting where the public can ask questions or put forwards points of view.

There are currently 13 Town Councillors. They do not receive payment or expenses for their work.

Elections are held every four years.

Open Spaces for which Shipston Town Council is Responsible

  • Mayo Road – Play Area & Recreation Ground
  • Sensory Garden – Mayo Road
  • Hawthorne Way – Play Area & Medieval Meadow
  • Angela’s Meadow – Play Area
  • Railway Crescent – Play Area and Open Space
  • Queen's Avenue - Play Area
  • Darlingscote Rd - Skate Park
  • London Rd - Sports Club Play Area
  • New Street - Carpark and the 'Little Recreation Ground'

New Clark House

New Clark House is owned by Shipston Town Council and managed by the Town Clerk’s Office.

The Council Chamber can accommodate 30 – 35 people as a meeting venue for individuals and organisations; there is limited parking, but there is an adjacent free SDC car park.