May 2022
David Birch receives Shipston Award
David Birch, Secretary of Shipston Town Band was presented with the Shipston Award at the Annual Town Meeting on 12th April. Councillors unanimously supported David’s nomination in recognition of his many years of involvement with the town band and his role in conducting the junior band.
In addition to organising the Town Band’s Christmas charity concert, David is also instrumental in delivering various other events including performances at care homes and the hospital on Christmas Day.
Cllr Ronnie Murphy, who is also the President of the Shipston Town Band, presented the award to David.
Shipston Yarn Bombing
Ahead of the Easter weekend, the town was once again transformed thanks to the efforts of the Shipston Yarn Bombing Group, comprised of some dedicated members of the Shipston Knitting and Crocheting Group.
Beacon to mark The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Shipston will be joining communities up and down the country in with the lighting of a beacon at 9.45pm on 2nd June 2022 as part of The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations.
As part of a nationally coordinated programme, thousands of town criers, along with Pearly Kings and Queens, traditional and Northumberland pipers, buglers and choirs from communities across the four corners of the nation and the Commonwealth will be lifting up their voices to play and sing specially commissioned music prior to the lighting of over 1,500 Platinum Jubilee Beacons. This continues a long tradition of lighting beacons to mark significant royal celebrations.
These activities will be taking place across the UK and wider Commonwealth:
2pm Town Criers and Pearly Kings and Queens will read a Proclamation heralding the lighting of the beacons.
9.35pm Traditional and Northumbrian pipers and pipe bands will play Diu Regnare, a unique tune specially written for the occasion by Pipe Major, Stuart Liddell, the world’s leading piper.
9.40pm A special bugle call called Majesty will be sounded.
9.45pm The beacons are lit and community choirs will sing Song for the Commonwealth, which has been written and composed by Lucy Keily, from Australia and Vincent Atueyi Chinemelu from Nigeria.
Details of the music which will feature on the night, and a list of all those taking part can found on within the Guide for Taking Part.